Fertility Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Positive Steps Fertility, where we understand that navigating fertility issues can be challenging and emotional. Our goal is to provide clear, compassionate, and accurate information to support you on your journey. Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about fertility, aimed at helping you gain a better understanding of this complex topic.

What are the common causes of infertility in couples?

Infertility can stem from issues in either the male or female partner, or both. Factors include reproductive health issues in men and women, and sometimes the cause is unknown.

When should couples seek medical advice for infertility?

It’s advised to consult an OBGYN after a year of trying. However, those with certain risk factors like age over 35, history of reproductive issues, or male factors like past surgeries or infections should seek advice sooner.

Is pregnancy possible for women over 35?

Yes, many women over 35 successfully conceive and have healthy pregnancies. Each individual’s fertility potential varies.

Does birth control affect long-term fertility?

No, birth control does not negatively impact long-term fertility. Normal menstrual cycles typically resume within a few months after discontinuing birth control.

Can a man be infertile even if he can ejaculate?

Yes. Male infertility can be related to sperm count, movement, and shape, which are not directly linked to the ability to ejaculate.

Do irregular menstrual cycles indicate infertility?

Not necessarily. While irregular cycles can be a sign of hormonal imbalances, they are not always indicative of infertility.

Can young adults experience infertility?

Infertility can affect individuals at any age, including young adults, though risk factors and prevalence may differ.

Do sexual positions influence the likelihood of conception?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that specific sexual positions increase the chances of conception.

Is infertility always treatable?

While many couples with infertility issues do conceive, some face challenges that cannot be resolved even with treatment. For example, if the Fallopian Tubes are severely damaged or blocked due to conditions like pelvic inflammatory disease, severe endometriosis, or previous surgeries, natural conception may be impossible. Testing can diagnose this.

How does overall health affect fertility?

General health, including lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and substance use, plays a significant role in fertility for both men and women.

Are there affordable alternatives to IVF for treating infertility?

Yes, various treatment options are available that are less expensive than IVF. These include medications and surgical procedures, which are effective in many cases.

Is stress a major factor in infertility?

While chronic stress can impact overall health, including reproductive health, infertility is a complex medical condition. Stress alone is not typically the sole cause of infertility, and treating infertility often requires medical intervention beyond stress reduction techniques.

Can lifestyle changes alone resolve infertility issues?

While healthy lifestyle choices can improve overall reproductive health, they are not a guaranteed solution for all infertility problems. Medical conditions contributing to infertility often require specific treatments.

Is infertility less common than people think?

Infertility is quite common, affecting about 10-15% of couples. It’s a widespread issue, and those experiencing it should know they are not alone.

Does a high sperm count guarantee fertility?

A high sperm count is just one aspect of male fertility. Sperm quality, including motility and morphology, also plays a critical role in male fertility.

Both men and women can have fertility issues. In fact, in couples experiencing infertility, about one-third of the cases are due to male factors, one-third to female factors, and the remaining third to a combination of both or unexplained causes.

Is IVF the only solution for infertility?

IVF is one of many fertility treatments available. Depending on the cause of infertility, treatments can range from medication and lifestyle changes to surgical procedures and other assisted reproductive technologies.

Can you get Pregnant with Pelvic inflammatory disease?

It depends on several factors, such as the severity of the infection, the extent of the damage, the treatment received, and the time elapsed since the diagnosis. Some women may conceive naturally, while others may need fertility treatments, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), to overcome the scarring and blockage of the fallopian tubes.

Do Recurrent Miscarriages mean you cannot get pregnant?

Most women who have one miscarriage will go on to have a successful pregnancy. If you have had two or three miscarriages in a row, your chances of having a healthy pregnancy are lower, but still possible. You may need some tests to find out the cause of your recurrent miscarriages and get treatment if needed.

Do you have Fertility Questions? We Have Answers

At Positive Steps Fertility, we are dedicated to providing compassionate and comprehensive care to those facing fertility challenges. We welcome new patients and offer short wait times for initial consultations.

We’re here to support you every step of the way on your path to parenthood. Don’t suffer in silence. Find answers. Find peace.