Parryscope: The Better Female Fertility Test

Determining the cause of infertility in a woman can often involve a battery of fertility tests and several trips to a fertility clinic. What if women could easily understand the core aspects of their fertility in one simple, gentle office test?

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They can with our patented, breakthrough Parryscope® technique – a better way to evaluate the causes of infertility in women. The Parryscope approach evaluates whether the ovaries have a reasonable number of eggs and are likely to ovulate, whether the fallopian tubes are open for eggs and sperm to find each other, and whether the uterus is likely to sustain a pregnancy – all with a single gentle office procedure involving a small, flexible hysteroscope and ultrasound.

Having cared for thousands of women over the course of his career, Dr. John Preston “Pres” Parry realized that many approaches to fertility testing had problems with accuracy, were painful, didn’t give results promptly, and could leave people confused even after supposedly giving an “answer.” To solve this, he created the Parryscope approach so women could have a better experience in which they quickly, gently and accurately could understand their fertility.

For an appointment, contact us online or call 833-POS-STEP (767-7837)


11 Ways The Parryscope Approach is Better at Finding The Cause of Infertility


The Parryscope technique (hysteroscopy only) can evaluate whether the fallopian tubes are open, similar to hysterosalpingograms (HSGs) that have been used for over 100 years. But both the Parryscope technique and the Parryscope approach, which adds ultrasound to the hysteroscopy of the Parryscope technique, bring significant improvements over HSGs.

During an HSG test, the uterus and fallopian tubes are filled with a liquid contrast solution in order to take X-rays while the physician maneuvers the hysteroscope. This can be very uncomfortable to extremely painful for many women, and the test can miss certain causes of female infertility. Additionally, HSG cannot accurately measure ovarian reserve (the ovaries’ ability to produce healthy eggs for fertilization), which often requires a separate blood test.

Here’s how women get better care with the Parryscope approach.

  1. The Parryscope technique is very gentle – women who have had both types of tests claim a night-and-day difference compared with the HSG test, which was 110 times more likely to cause women maximum pain compared with the Parryscope technique. See the research.
  2. Parryscope is safe, with fewer infections and vasovagal reactions (passing out) than typically reported with HSG, in part due to the more flexible and narrow hysteroscope used in Parryscope testing. The procedure also does not require sedation, and most women do not need any medication such as NSAIDs (Motrin, Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  3. The Parrryscope technique is highly accurate, and based on current research it seems to have at least the same, and probably better, accuracy compared with HSG. In addition, the pain involved in HSG can give inaccurate test results by causing tubes to spasm, suggesting they are closed when they are actually open. The gentle nature of the Parryscope technique reduces the risk of spasm.
  4. Because the test is accurate and Dr. Parry’s explains it clearly, women come away with a greater understanding of their fertility and how to treat it. There’s no confusing medical jargon, just clear explanations, answers and a plan for the woman’s future.
  5. It is fast, with women getting results during the 15 minutes it takes for the procedure in the single office visit. (Dr. Parry actually likes to take longer beyond the procedure when he can to explain and teach, so long as he is not neglecting other patients.)
  6. The Parryscope approach does not use X-rays or radiation, unlike HSGs.
  7. With the Parryscope approach, air one would breathe and saline similar to that used for contact lenses is used, rather than dyes used with HSG that can sometimes cause allergic reactions.
  8. The use of a very small camera makes dilation of the cervix unlikely, which can be more common with other approaches to testing, resulting in greater discomfort.
  9. Parryscope does not require a blood draw to evaluate ovarian reserve, as is the case when testing anti Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels. Rather, the ultrasound part of the Parryscope approach looks at the antral follicle count in the ovaries to give the doctor and patient a sense of whether her ovaries have an age-appropriate number of eggs.
  10. A Parryscope screening is affordable, with one test administered in one location.
  11. Dr. Parry performs these procedures himself, rather than having a technician or nurse perform them. How often do patients have their medical care provided by the inventor and world expert for a technique?

Parryscope Gives Women a Better Understanding of Their Fertility

The Parryscope approach is appropriate for women who want to understand why they haven’t been getting pregnant. But it can also be performed on women who don’t want to immediately conceive and have other reasons for evaluating their gynecologic anatomy.

After testing, most women will have a reasonable understanding of their fertility without additional procedures. And they should have a sense of their chances of pregnancy with natural conception as well as with oral medication and insemination, and whether these are reasonable approaches relative to in vitro fertilization (IVF).

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Next steps: Schedule Your Initial Parryscope Consultation

Get started on your way to understanding your fertility. Contact us today to schedule a Parryscope initial consultation with Dr. Parry to see if the test is right for you.